equivalent of "git remote"?

Martin Pool mbp at sourcefrog.net
Mon Mar 26 09:59:44 BST 2007

On 3/26/07, Matthieu Moy <Matthieu.Moy at imag.fr> wrote:
> Roughly, you say once
> $ git remote add name http://url.com/path/
> and then, whenever you say
> $ git fetch name
> it's understood as
> $ git fetch http://url.com/path/

Well, as I understand it this is pretty similar to

  bzr branch --no-tree http://aoeuaoue/some-branch


  bzr pull -d some-branch

In other words it creates a name in your local namespace/filesystem
that mirrors someone else's branches.  Looked at this way, the main
shortcoming in bzr is that you can't automatically mirror all the
branches in a remote repository.  (Actually there is a plugin I
believe; it is probably a realistic thing to have built and it would
be nice to do it elegantly and internally.)


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