Having "fun" with kind change merges again, probably

Marius Gedminas marius at pov.lt
Sun Mar 25 15:16:46 BST 2007

Some backstory: I want to give bzr a try, so I maintain a copy of
FBReader source tarball in a bzr branch, plus a few other branches with
various small changes.  The source tarball apparently contains symlinks
that move around from version to version.  I hadn't noticed that until
bzr started barfing on me (bug 90111).

Two days ago Wouter van Heyst sent me a small patch that let me commit
my outstanding merges.  I was overjoyed.  Today I downloaded a new
FBReader release, imported it into the 'upstream' branch, committed
(noticing a few more directory => symlink changes), and tried to merge
it to my feature branches.  No luck:

  bzr: ERROR: Tree transform is malformed [('non-directory parent',
  'new-1476'), ('non-directory parent', 'new-1074'), ('non-directory
  parent', 'new-1091'), ('non-directory parent', 'new-467')]

You can find the branches at http://mg.pov.lt/fbreader/tmp2/.  I was in
the mg/ branch trying to bzr merge ../upstream/.  There are no changes
in any of the working trees, according to bzr st.  bzr check finds no

I used bzr.dev as of this morning, with the patch Wouter sent me:

    === modified file 'bzrlib/inventory.py'
    --- bzrlib/inventory.py 2007-03-07 01:14:11 +0000
    +++ bzrlib/inventory.py 2007-03-23 20:27:43 +0000
    @@ -193,6 +193,9 @@
                if self.file_id in inv:
                    ie = inv[self.file_id]
                    assert ie.file_id == self.file_id
    +                if ie.kind != self.kind:
    +                    # Can't be a candidate if the kind has changed.
    +                    continue
                    if ie.revision in candidates:
                        # same revision value in two different inventories:
                        # correct possible inconsistencies:

Marius Gedminas
Please don't put a strain on our friendship
by asking me to do something for you.
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