[MERGE] Implement our ExtendBzrTestSuite as per the spec.

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Thu Mar 22 21:53:23 GMT 2007

On Fri, 2007-03-23 at 07:30 +1100, Robert Collins wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-03-22 at 15:24 -0500, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> > Robert Collins wrote:
> > And to summarize, this allows us to have tests fail for "platform
> > deficiencies" (like no symlink support), or for "known failures" (things
> > that we may not support on all platforms, or test cases that we want to
> > pass in the future, but don't have working yet).
> > 
> > My only concern for the missing feature support (_test_needs_features),
> > is that it is set at the class level.  All it really means is that we
> > have to split our current test classes into regular ones, and ones that
> > require specific features.
> I thought about this on the way to bed last night actually:) We can
> trivially add support for doing it both ways:
> self.requireFeature(feature) -> raises FeatureNotPresent(feature), catch
> that in addError and call addNotSupported(test, err[1]) from there.


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