RFC: bzr --version should also announce installed plugins

Jari Aalto jari.aalto at cante.net
Thu Mar 22 20:35:04 GMT 2007

John Arbash Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com> writes:

> Jari Aalto wrote:
> > Consider this Cygwin example:
> >  
> >     $ bzr --version
> > 
> We have 'bzr plugins' to list installed plugins. (We've already loaded
> them, so it isn't hard to generate the list).

Oh, missed that. 

> And it isn't quite as simple as just looking at bzrlib/plugins, because
> we search all of BZR_PLUGIN_PATH.

Ok. But there definitely should be a hint that some plugins are installed
in the --version display. What about this:

    Info: plugins detected (see command: bzr plugins)

That message is not displayed if no plugins are installed.


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