branch format 6 identifier changed?

James Westby jw+debian at
Sun Mar 18 15:13:03 GMT 2007

On (18/03/07 17:01), Sabin Iacob wrote:
> bzr: ERROR: Unknown branch format: 'Bazaar-NG branch format 6\n'
> it looks like the identifier for branch format 6 has changed to "Bazaar 
> Branch Format 6 (bzr 0.15)", while .bzr/branch/format contains 
> "Bazaar-NG branch format 6"; manually editing the file did the trick 
> this time.
> my question is, is this format going to be dropped? and if so, will 
> there be an alternative that supports tags?

See the message here that announced this change



  James Westby   --    GPG Key ID: B577FE13    --
  seccure key - (3+)k7|M*edCX/.A:n*N!>|&7U.L#9E)Tu)T0>AM - secp256r1/nistp256

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