more naming cleanups: irc channel, .deb packages,

Martin Pool martinpool at
Mon Mar 12 22:55:43 GMT 2007

On 13/03/07, Etienne Goyer <etienne.goyer at> wrote:
> Hi Martin, everybody,
> If I understand correctly, we need to change the name of the bazaar
> package, but not bzr.  I would be glad to take care of that.

That's correct.

> However, I am just wondering about the purpose of the baz/bazaar package
> in the first place.  It have not been updated since Breezy, released in
> October 2005.  My understanding is that is officially deprecated and
> replaced by bzr.  Should we consider removing baz/bazaar entirely from
> the distro ?

No, as John says, we still need it, but we should make sure that the
package description makes it clear that people should migrate to bzr:

> > While we're fixing it the baz description could be updated; it
> > currently talks a lot about GNU Arch which would be confusing even
> > without bzr.
> >
> > Something like this might be better:
> >
> >  Baz fork of GNU Arch
> >
> >  Baz is a distributed revision control system.
> >
> >  Baz is replaced by Bazaar (package bzr).  Existing repositories can be
> >  converted using the bzr-bazimport command from bzrtools.

You can post the new descriptions/metadata here for review if you want.


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