[Paramiko] win_pageant.py: change code to use ctypes instead of pywin32

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Sat Mar 10 19:59:48 GMT 2007

Hash: SHA1

Paramiko library allows us to use pageant on Windows.
Pageant is brilliant thing for me, but I don't like
how paramiko working with pageant.

To talk with pageant paramiko used pywin32 library,
but only part of big cool pywin32: win32ui module,
that provide interface to MFC classes.

Actually paramiko use only 2 functions from win32ui,
and when packing win32ui to standalone bzr.exe
we increase size of standalone application by 650KBytes,
and this module also require additional library MFC71.dll
with size about 1MBytes.

Bad side effect: this dll is not present by default on many
popular Windows system and I don't pack it to standalone
installer. Another bad side effect: known trusted place
to download this library (from Mark Hammond home page
at starship.python.net) is now unavailable.
Also there is recent security report from Microsoft
that affect this library also.

Long story short: I finally change internals of paramiko
to use ctypes instead of pywin32. ctypes is the part of standard
library since Python 2.5, it has very small size (~80KB) and we use
it anyway in bzr.exe. I test it myself, and it work for me.

Bundle attached.

bzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bialix/paramiko/paramiko.ctypes

I will pack my version in next release of bzr.


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