more naming cleanups: irc channel, .deb packages,

Martin Pool martinpool at
Sat Mar 10 00:03:49 GMT 2007

On 10/03/07, James Westby <jw+debian at> wrote:
> On (10/03/07 10:27), Martin Pool wrote:
> > On 10/03/07, John Arbash Meinel <john at> wrote:
> > >I don't know if we need to rename bzr => bazaar. Considering "Bazaar is
> > >the name of the project and bzr is the name of the program". It makes
> > >sense to me to use "bzr" as the name of the program you are installing.
> >
> > Me too.  Renaming baz will make it easier to find the right one.

Etienne, your name also occurs in the baz package so can you take care
of that too - maybe talk about the transition with an ubuntu core dev?

While we're fixing it the baz description could be updated; it
currently talks a lot about GNU Arch which would be confusing even
without bzr.

Something like this might be better:

  Baz fork of GNU Arch

  Baz is a distributed revision control system.

  Baz is replaced by Bazaar (package bzr).  Existing repositories can be
  converted using the bzr-bazimport command from bzrtools.


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