Bazaar summer-of-code - mentors, project ideas and students wanted

Wouter van Heyst larstiq at
Fri Mar 9 19:01:29 GMT 2007

On Thu, Mar 08, 2007 at 03:45:49PM +1100, Martin Pool wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like Bazaar to offer Google summer-of-code again this year.  We
> had some success last year and I think can do even better this year by
> staying more closely in touch with our students.  We need to apply by
> Monday the 12th.
> At this point I'm looking for a list of people interested in
> mentoring, and perhaps to start a discussion about how we will
> organize the summer-of-code project.

I'm interested in mentoring, or be a student if the balance permits.
Either way I should be able to reserve more time for working on bzr.


> Google's main concern reflected in the application is that students
> shouldn't drop out, which is understandable given there are many more
> applications than scholarships available.  I think the key things are
> * choosing good projects clearly articulated, not requiring *too*
> much knowledge of the guts, not likely to require extended debate,
> cool or interesting, appropriately sized
> * reviewing and landing progress towards that goal in every cycle
> * actively mentoring the students - making a regular irc slot to meet with 
> them

Agreed. I took some notes on possible projects but I'm not sure it
survived linux being wiped on my notebook. One of them was Eclipse
support, but someone already started on that I believe.

> Some folks have talked about having another European sprint some time
> soon; maybe we should time that to get the students along.

Any ideas on when that sprint would be? I plan to attend debconf (10-23
june) and europython (9-11 july).

Wouter van Heyst

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