[MERGE] bzrlib.osutils fixes

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Fri Mar 9 14:55:55 GMT 2007

On Fri, 2007-03-09 at 08:50 -0600, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> > I believe the code processes only 5 tuples at all at each 'bzr
> selftest'
> > run so the fix just need to be as simple as possible. Moreover  the
> code
> > above is definitely slower than the my fix and I don't believe the
> > result code will be any faster.
> > 
> I also think Aaron didn't realize this was just in the test suite.
> This
> wasn't actually part of day-to-day code.
> Optimizing the test suite can be useful, but isn't a primary focus.
> The primary focus is optimizing the internals of bzr. 

Its also worth noting:

profile, profile, profile.

All the notes I'm putting up are 'map, not territory' - there will
always be cases where objects are faster than tuples; its just a matter
of spotting them; or cases where the overhead of objects and lists is
outweighed by ease of use, or other alternatives can be found to achieve

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