dirstate: IMPORTANT notice for dogfooders.

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Wed Mar 7 12:22:08 GMT 2007

I found a serious glitch in dirstate today: the adler32 checksum is not
stable across platforms with python. The crc32 checksum appears to be,
and I've changed dirstate to use that.

What does this mean for early adopters? 

After you update to the latest dirstate branch, or bzr.dev, you will no
longer be able to access your dirstate format trees.

Working around this:

1) before upgrading your bzr get to a state where 'bzr st' shows no tree
shape changes: that is no deleted, added, or renamed paths.
2) upgrade bzr
3) make a branch from your branches: 'bzr branch foo bar'
4) copy the new branches dirstate in: cp bar/.bzr/checkout/dirstate


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