[MERGE] Support for Putty SSH implementation, 2-nd edition

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Mon Mar 5 20:32:08 GMT 2007

Hash: SHA1

Dmitry Vasiliev wrote:
> Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>> Your patch is full of trim spaces at the end of lines. It insert too
>> many noise.
>> Please, configure your editor to not strip spaces at the end of lines
>> when you work on bzr sources.
> Actually I just use Vim with trailing whitespace highlighting turned on
> (http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=790) and remove
> trailing whitespace by myself when appropriate or annoying. I think it's
> important (well at some point) for make code cleaner. Also trailing
> whitespace may prevent some Vi commands like '{' and '}' to work as
> expected. And there is even a note about trailing whitespace at the end
> of PEP-8.

This is a small point of contention in our codebase, as it makes future
merging a bit more difficult. (Because it tends to touch lots of places
of code).

My personal rule is to strip whitespace around the code that I'm
editing, but not go out of my way to remove it. (So within a line or two
of what I'm fixing).

That way, it is unlikely to have a spurious conflict, because if someone
conflicts, they are likely to conflict anyway.

Eventually we probably want to watershed, remove all the trailing
whitespace, and add tests to prevent adding new trailing whitespace. But
we still have a lot of good work that hasn't been merged yet, and we
want to keep people productive, rather than fighting with spurious
whitespace conflicts.

By the way, I don't know if something changed, but I am able to merge
the patch from BB.

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