[Fwd: Re: [Fwd: Re: Access control]]

Sabin Iacob iacobs at m0n5t3r.info
Tue Feb 27 22:15:05 GMT 2007

John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> Well, I don't think we want to bring up the "forcing Reply-To"
> discussion. I don't know if we've had it on bazaar@ but I've had it on
> more than one other mailing list.

well, it was just a suggestion, since I'm not that active for having to 
manually delete duplicate mails to become really annoying :)

> The summary is that having the mailing list set Reply-To is generally
> considered bad etiquette, because it overrides any existing Reply-To
> that users might be trying to use.

honestly, it's the first time I'm hearing this :))

> Also, it wouldn't work for direct replies anyway. I think the
> recommendation is to get "Mail-Followup-To" or something along those
> lines. Though that isn't possible in all clients.

...but it wouldn't hurt setting it for those who do support it

> I've just learned to hit "Reply-To-All" rather than Reply by default.
> And if you think about it, 90% of the time, you probably want to reply
> to everyone involved in a discussion anyway.

... which is what mailing lists are for

the thing is, mails that don't pass through mailman won't have anything 
to distinguish them from the personal ones, and can't be filtered 
reliably, so the only option to avoid threads breaking is to allow 
mailman to send me duplicates and manually clean up afterwards; as I 
said, the current setup is ok with me, since for now I am rather a 
listener than a frequent speaker, and there are concerns I wasn't aware 
of :)

so, no flames, please...

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