Access control

Jeffrey Cunningham jeffrey.k.cunningham at
Tue Feb 27 20:05:25 GMT 2007

John Arbash Meinel wrote:

> At this point, we have shelved Access Control off to the side as being
> handled at a higher level.
> You could configure apache to have a different password for everyone. I
> think you can even hook it into PAM, so that they can use the same
> passwords everywhere. I do remember that it can use a plain .htpassword
> file, or you can get trickier and authenticate against a full database.

I have apache now set up to require user authentication via encrypted 
authentication (digest). It works for browsing webpages inside the 

But when I try to create a branch now it fails with this message:

jcunningham at medea ~/junk $ bzr branch
bzr: ERROR: Invalid http response for Unable 
to handle http code 401: Authorization Required

I don't see any way for me to tell bzr how to use or pass my 
username/password to the apache authentication mechanism.


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