Wishlist - Full windows install with plugins

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Fri Feb 23 00:06:46 GMT 2007

Hash: SHA1

Andrew King пишет:
> A while ago, I saw requests for what bzr users wanted from bzr  on
> someone's blog (sorry, can't remember who).
> So, here is my request :)
> Is there any chance of getting a bzr installer for windows that
> installs with all plugins etc., and uses a freely available diff tool,
> like tortoisemerge or something?

I'm not ure about tortoise merge or something similar.
But, I think I could create separate additional installer for installing most
popular plugins -- just name it.

I'm also working on plugin manager that should simplify process
of installing/deinstalling plugins. May be this could help in short term?

> I say that because in using my experience, when I installed bzr on my
> ubuntu box I got all these amazing features, gdiff, gannotate etc.,
> however, the default windows install is very minimal. Everything is
> text based, and reading text based diffs is not everyone's cup of tea.
> I know it is possible to install the plugins manually on windows, but
> it is not at all easy, and I have a number of other people using it on
> windows ... bzr on windows is actually quite difficult to use because
> of these missing features. After all, it isn't like the windows
> console is useable or anything anyway! (Oh, and I have to use
> windows).

The one problem with g-plugins is the fact they rely on PyGTK.
Therefore it requires to bundle complete set of PyGTK/GTK libraries.
And this leads to very big size of installer. It's main reson why
I want to keep them separate.

> Of course, thanks to Alex for the normal installer anyway, without
> which I doubt we would be using bzr.

Thank you for feedback.

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