Wishlist - Full windows install with plugins

Andrew King eurokang at gmail.com
Thu Feb 22 22:22:16 GMT 2007

A while ago, I saw requests for what bzr users wanted from bzr  on
someone's blog (sorry, can't remember who).

So, here is my request :)

Is there any chance of getting a bzr installer for windows that
installs with all plugins etc., and uses a freely available diff tool,
like tortoisemerge or something?

I say that because in using my experience, when I installed bzr on my
ubuntu box I got all these amazing features, gdiff, gannotate etc.,
however, the default windows install is very minimal. Everything is
text based, and reading text based diffs is not everyone's cup of tea.
I know it is possible to install the plugins manually on windows, but
it is not at all easy, and I have a number of other people using it on
windows ... bzr on windows is actually quite difficult to use because
of these missing features. After all, it isn't like the windows
console is useable or anything anyway! (Oh, and I have to use

Of course, thanks to Alex for the normal installer anyway, without
which I doubt we would be using bzr.


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