Revision storage question

Marius Kruger amanic at
Wed Feb 14 06:21:53 GMT 2007


On 2/10/07, Angela <seasonalplume at> wrote:
> ...Thanks, John! I *have* noticed that I have to run bzr update on the
> file server before working on it (if ever). It will take a bit of getting
> used to, but I think that's alright for now, given my options. :)

what you could do, is set up a scheduled job, (or cron job)
to do the updates for you automatically every hour or every day.

Thanks again for the help you've extended and for Bazaar itself (and to
> everyone else maintaining/working on it, of course) -- I'm glad I stuck with
> it, and while the fact that I haven't really tried any other CVS (other than
> SVN for, like, half a day before I gave up on it) puts me out of the running
> for "most believable reviewer", I still maintain that I found Bazaar quite
> easy to use and get into (in light of the "ease of use" discussion going on
> recently). :)

sweet. I also got fed up with CVS, before I found bzr and I love it.



I code therefore I am.
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