Debugging a bazaar plugin

John Arbash Meinel john at
Fri Feb 9 14:42:06 GMT 2007

Nicholas Allen wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm looking at contributing to the bzr-svn plugin when I have time as I
> want to get it to a state that we can use it to branch one of our svn
> projects. But I have a question: how do you debug a bazaar plugin? I
> managed to get Eclipse PyDev installed and it seems to be the best free
> Python IDE that I have tried. Do I need to do anything special in order
> to debug a plugin? Any tips/other tool ideas appreciated...
> Nick

I haven't tried using Eclipse to debug python code. Well, at least not
recently. We generally use 'import pdb; pdb.set_trace()' though it is
command-line only.

I would have thought that debugging the python code wouldn't be much
different than debugging other python code. But I don't know how Eclipse
figures out how to set breakpoints.

You may just need to setup your PYTHONPATH in the correct way, so that
it runs against the right version of bzrlib.


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