PING: [was Re: [MERGE] bzr help transport [take 3.. or 4]]

Goffredo Baroncelli kreijack at
Wed Feb 7 22:12:42 GMT 2007

On Wednesday 07 February 2007, you (John Arbash Meinel) wrote:
> Goffredo Baroncelli wrote:
> > Is anyone still interested in this patch ?  I think I have addressed the 
> > principal concerns of Aaron & others: any comments ?
> > 
> > Goffredo
> Sorry about the delay.  I think Robert had some valid concerns about
> considering http+pycurl an implementation detail (even though we suggest
> it to users from time to time). That 'readonly+' is probably not useful
> to include, etc.
> At a code level, the main things that I see are PEP8 problems. I can
> clean it up, but it would be good for you to understand the basics so
> that we don't have to do as much of a cleanup in the future.

Ok, I cleaned-up the code as you suggest, I removed some protocol helps; 
moreover I added a little blackbox test case.

Enclosed the patch


gpg key@ Goffredo Baroncelli (ghigo) <kreijack at>
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