[MERGE] bzr help transport [take 3.. or 4]

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Sun Feb 4 12:18:15 GMT 2007

Robert Collins has voted +1 (conditional).
Status is now: Conditionally approved
I really think we don't want to show most of the transports:

aftp - yes
bzr  - yes
bzr+http - no (it autodetects for the hpss branch and is really not a 
win without that branch)
bzr+ssh - yes
file - no (but we should say 'normal' filenames can be used as-is)
ftp  - yes
http - yes
http+pycurl - no - implementation detail
http+urllib - no - implementation detail
https - yes
https+pycurl - no - implementation detail
https+urllib - no - implementation detail
sftp - yes

readonly+  - no - its of no use to a regular user, its only useful in 
testing or other internal code like the hpss.

- Rob

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