bzr-svn 0.3

Nicholas Allen allen at
Mon Feb 5 18:07:22 GMT 2007

> For technical reasons, we can't support both /trunk and /trunk/project
> to be a branch. What you want, I guess is support for partial checkouts
> (as, by convention, /trunk and /branches/* are branches).
Actually, I don't see why this can't be done. Why can't bzr-svn branch 
from a subdirectory of the subversion repository? I can understand there 
would be problems if people tried to merge from 2 branches made from 
different paths within the repository but you could just say that this 
is not supported. As long as all users create their bzr branches by 
branching from the same url then they can merge back and forth between 
each other and bzr would not have to support partial checkouts.

I think this would be a REALLY useful feature for subversion migration 
because nearly all subversion repositories contain more than one 
project. When you create a bzr branch you only want it for one project 
and not the whole repository.

How we would use it would like to use it is to create a bzr branch like 

bzr branch svn://host/trunk/project

and then everyone who uses bzr as VCS would bzr branch from this and 
then eventually push back to svn. We would never create multiple bzr 
branches from different URLs and expect to be able to merge back and 
forth between them. So we would not care if this would work:

bzr branch svn://host/trunk/project project
bzr branch svn://host subversion-repository

cd subversion-repository
bzr merge ../project                                <--------- Don't 
care if this works. An error message that they are for different paths 
in svn repo would be fine

Does that make sense - I know I didn't explain that very well though!


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