[bzr-gtk] Branch, Checkout, and Push dialog refactoring
Vincent Ladeuil
v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Mon Feb 5 14:55:32 GMT 2007
>>>>> "phanatic" == Szilveszter Farkas <szilveszter.farkas at gmail.com> writes:
phanatic> Hi Vincent,
>> Can you share some examples ?
>> [...]
... ;)
>> Again, what "things" are you referring to ?
phanatic> To build the same interface, I need to write less
phanatic> lines of code in Python than in Glade.
Urgh, writing xml instead of using glade, I feel your pain...
phanatic> That's an important "thing". I know there's the
phanatic> Glade designer, but it crashes a lot,
What version are you using ? In more than two years I didn't
experienced a single crash with glade 2.6.8 (I do not have the
freedom to upgrade that).
phanatic> and it's not that easy to use (at least not easier
phanatic> than writing a few lines of code).
Well, as you have been the most intensive user of glade in
bzr-gtk, I will surely *not* argue with you on the subject.
>> That, I understand, but I think designing a function that
>> searches the import path should not be that hard and address most
>> of the problems.
phanatic> The problem is a thing called FHS (Filesystem
phanatic> Hierarchy Standard), which describes what locations
phanatic> should be used for what on Linux (and maybe UNIX,
phanatic> too) systems. That means we cannot just put the
phanatic> glade file into the import path (AFAIK).
Then the solution is to teach that function to respect the FHS if
it fail to find the glade file in the developer hierarchy, and
teach the install script to respect the FHS while getting the
sources from the developer hierarchy.
No ?
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