bzrtools: "import" fails on simple archive

Matthias Rahlf rahlf at
Fri Feb 2 10:23:51 GMT 2007


>> recently John Meinel mentioned the "import" command. This was exactly
>> what I was looking for. But it doesn't work that easy, I'm afraid.
>> $mkdir upstream-1.0.1
>> $touch upstream-1.0.1/README
>> $tar czf upstream-1.0.1.tar.gz upstream-1.0.1
>> $mkdir my-branch
>> $cd my-branch
>> $bzr init
>> $bzr import ../upstream-1.0.1.tar.gz
>> bzr: ERROR: bzrlib.errors.PathNotChild: Path '/' is not a child of path
>> u'/home/user/my-branch'
> I can't reproduce this.  I'm using GNU tar 1.15.91

I'm using GNU tar 1.16 on Debian/Linux (Sid), current and
bzrtools (dev) with Python 2.5

But on the other site, archives created with bsdtar (1.3.1) don't seem
to cause problems.

ci at o, matthias
Sometimes I wonder just what am I fighting for? I win some battles but I
always lose the war. I keep right on stumblin' in this no-man's land out
here. But I know, yes, I know there must be a better world somewhere.
                     - Doc Pomus: There Must Be A Better World Somewhere

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