2 way sync between bzr and svn using tailor?

Nicholas Allen allen at ableton.com
Thu Feb 1 17:49:47 GMT 2007

> - From that aspect, bzr-svn works a lot better, as it interoperates much
> cleaner. It might be best to try to figure out why bzr-svn doesn't work
> for you yet, and see if we can get it working before trying to work
> something out with tailor.
The main problem is that we have many projects in our svn repo and about 
40000 revisions. This is currently impossible to convert with bzr-svn as 
it has problems with memory consumption. Also I wanted the bzr branch to 
be for one individual project - otherwise your working tree contains 
every project that we have, all our documentation, automated tests (many 
many gigabytes in size alone) and all branches of every project. I would 
imagine the working tree could be 10 Gb in size so creating this working 
tree for every branch you make wouldn't even be feasible (for both space 
and time reasons) even if bzr-svn could convert it.

So being able to convert one project from the svn repository would be 
essential unless bzr could branch only part of a directory structure in 
another branch so that not every branch would have to contain all of 
this in the working copy.

Tailor allowed me to convert just one of the projects but I can see why 
this would be difficult for something like bzr-svn. I guess bzr really 
needs the ability to branch a sub directory of another branch and not 
the whole branch.


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