rfc: whatsnew command

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Tue Jan 30 11:41:05 GMT 2007

Hash: SHA1

Wouter van Heyst пишет:
> On Tue, Jan 30, 2007 at 08:24:05AM +0200, Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>> I mirror some devel branches of bzr and bzr-gtk , as well as some plugins.
>> Every time after pull completed I see message about qty of pulled revisions.
>> And when this count is not 0 I tend to view log for new revisions.
>> Does we can automate this task with whatsnew command (or similar)?
>> After pulling this command will show log of new changes?
> I've aliasede `bzr pull -v | less` to bpvl, which is nice, but a
> diffstat or diff could be useful too perhaps.

Oh! pull -v is what I need, naturally.

BTW, I just look at help for pull command.

D:\Bazaar\sandbox\win98.support>bzr pull -h
usage: bzr pull [LOCATION]

Turn this branch into a mirror of another branch.

This command only works on branches that have not diverged.  Branches are
considered diverged if the destination branch's most recent commit is one
that has not been merged (directly or indirectly) into the parent.

If branches have diverged, you can use 'bzr merge' to integrate the changes
from one into the other.  Once one branch has merged, the other should
be able to pull it again.

If you want to forget your local changes and just update your branch to
match the remote one, use pull --overwrite.

If there is no default location set, the first pull will set it.  After
that, you can omit the location to use the default.  To change the
default, use --remember. The value will only be saved if the remote
location can be accessed.

  -r ARG, --revision=ARG
                        See 'help revisionspec' for details
  -v, --verbose         display more information
  -h, --help            show help message
  --overwrite           Ignore differences between branches and overwrite
  --remember            Remember the specified location as a default.

'display more information' -- HA!

And what it means?
Until actually try you never to know what is verbose?
Can we verbose help for "verbose" option a bit?

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