rfc: whatsnew command

Marius Kruger amanic at gmail.com
Tue Jan 30 11:27:27 GMT 2007

what is wrong with bzr missing ?

bzr help missing
usage: bzr missing [OTHER_BRANCH]

Show unmerged/unpulled revisions between two branches.

OTHER_BRANCH may be local or remote.

  --short           Use moderately short log format. Same as --log-format
  --log-format=ARG  Use this log format
  -h, --help        show help message
  -l, --long        Use detailed log format. Same as --log-format long
  --show-ids        show internal object ids
  --mine-only       Display changes in the local branch only
  -v, --verbose     display more information
  --line            Use log format with one line per revision. Same as
                    format line
  --theirs-only     Display changes in the remote branch only
  --reverse         Reverse the order of revisions

On 1/30/07, Alexander Belchenko <bialix at ukr.net> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I mirror some devel branches of bzr and bzr-gtk , as well as some plugins.
> Every time after pull completed I see message about qty of pulled
> revisions.
> And when this count is not 0 I tend to view log for new revisions.
> Does we can automate this task with whatsnew command (or similar)?
> After pulling this command will show log of new changes?
> - --
> Alexander


I code therefore I am.
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