[merge] tags in repository

Goffredo Baroncelli kreijack at tiscalinet.it
Thu Jan 25 18:46:24 GMT 2007

On Thursday 25 January 2007 06:06, Ilpo Nyyssönen wrote:
> Alexander Belchenko <bialix at ukr.net> writes:
> Good for you. Not so good for someone who has put several projects to
> same repository. When that someone pushes or someone other pulls from
> him/her, all the other project tags go too. 

The problem exists also for develop branch... Even tough a branch is not 
finished, its tags will be pulled during a pull of the main branch...

The main issue which I see is the following:
I develop a feature in a _private_ branch inside a repository with a published 
branch. If I tag a revision common to the public branch, when someone pull 
from my "public" branch, he get also the "private" tag.
And if the "puller" public its repository, these tags will go in other 

As possible solution, I can see:
- provide both per repository tags ( which are under repository/.bzr) and per 
branch tags ( which are under repository/branch/.bzr ).
- the idea of "private" tags, tags which as default are not pulled. We can use 
a prefix ( like '_' ) to differentiate the "private" tags from the "public" 

My 2c

> Essentially this forces to keep separate projects in separate
> repositories. I don't like it. For me it has been useful to be able to
> put several small projects under same directory and to have that
> directory as repository.
> But maybe the benefits from this are so small that it is better to
> just branch without a repository. After all, small projects take so
> little space.
> -- 
> Ilpo Nyyssönen # biny # /* :-) */

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