announce: loggerhead 1.1.1

Wouter van Heyst larstiq at
Thu Jan 25 00:52:38 GMT 2007

On Wed, Jan 24, 2007 at 03:51:06PM -0800, Robey Pointer wrote:
> I silently did another release of loggerhead over the weekend, and  
> then immediately found a bug, so now there's a new release with that  
> bug fixed...
> Loggerhead is a web viewer for projects in bazaar.  It can be used to  
> navigate a branch history, annotate files, view patches, perform  
> searches, etc.  It's heavily based on bazaar-webserve, which is  
> itself based on hgweb for Mercurial.  The primary difference is that  
> loggerhead is built on top of TurboGears.

Thanks for your work on this Robey, I think it's time I started playing
around with loggerhead in earnest.

> The website is here:
> Changes since 1.0 include:
>     - new feature to compare two revisions to each other
>     - inserted text in diffs is now blue instead of green
>     - auto-publish feature for multiple branches under a single  
> folder (see
>       loggerhead.conf.example)
>     - added side-by-side diff display for the revision page (which is the
>       default), with a button to switch between side-by-side and
>       unified diff format

I suspected to strongly prefer the unified diff style, but I must say
side-by-side looks good too.

>     - miscellaneous speed and page-size improvements
> (More in the NEWS file.)  I'm hosting an auto-updated view of  
> here:

Looking at
(wow, that's a long url)
it has:

 merged from:   ${revision_link(parent.revid, '(' + parent.revno +
                util.if_present(' %s', parent.branch_nick) + ')',
                clear=1, start_revid=parent.revid)} 

Wouter van Heyst
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