[merge] tags in repository

Martin Pool mbp at canonical.com
Tue Jan 23 23:21:45 GMT 2007

On 23 Jan 2007, Aaron Bentley <aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca> wrote:
> That is nice.  Does it accept URLs or just local paths?

It just passes them to Branch.open etc, so it should accept urls,
however I will add some specific tests.

> > Implementation notes:
> > 
> >  * This adds them into the KnitRepository2 format.  I would like them to
> >    be in the default format for the next release, but I'm not sure if 
> >    all the changes in KnitRepository2 are in that class.
> I wasn't planning on making knit2 the default format, ever.  Knit2
> supports full root metadata, but unless deployed with a new working tree
> format, it won't have unique root ids.
> So I've been working on WorkingTree4, but it supports by-reference trees
> as well as unique roots, so it requires KnitRepository3.
> But if you're going to introduce a new repo format as the default, I
> guess it might as well be KnitRepository2.  KnitRepository2 isn't a bad
> choice-- the only real difference from 3 is whether the inventory
> supports by-reference trees.

OK, so just to make sure, you're saying that everything else in
KnitRepository2 is ok to be marked as stable, as far as you know?  I'll
look through it.

> >  * Delete tags
> Given that we don't want deleted tags to reappear when fetching, perhaps
> deletion should actually set the tag to a special value, e.g. 'deleted:'.

Yes I think that would be good.  If we give the user the chance to
decide what value they want then this won't automatically clobber other


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