What about provide some metadata for branches ?

Nicholas Allen nick.allen at onlinehome.de
Sun Jan 21 12:15:26 GMT 2007

It sounds good to me! From an implementation point of view I wonder if
it makes sense to wait for versioned properties. This meta data could
then just be properties on the root directory.


Simon Rozet wrote:
> Hello,
> I am thinking about writing a plugin who add metadata capabilities
> to bzr branches.
> Here is some metadata example, 
> inspired by the [DOAP spec](http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/x-osproj3/) :
> - Name
> - Description
> - Developer
> - Homepage
> - Mailing-list
> - Programming language
> - ...
> We could imagine something like :
>   ~/codes/bzr$ bzr meta
>   Name : Bazaar
>   Description : Bazaar will help you to be the master of the univers
>   ...
> and a nice GUI ala gcommit to set theses meta.
> So, what do you think about that ? Am I completly crazy ?
> P.S. : please excuse my bad english :(

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