[MERGE] Support for Putty SSH implementation

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Wed Jan 17 21:49:20 GMT 2007

Hash: SHA1

Robey Pointer wrote:
> On 10 Jan 2007, at 9:03, John Arbash Meinel wrote:


>> I don't think paramiko uses Openssh, bzr uses openssh and the passes
>> that connection off to paramiko.
>> Paramiko uses a "Transport" layer (which isn't a bzr Transport)
>> which we hook into with SSHSubprocess.
> Yeah, that's correct, paramiko doesn't tie into any other executables. 
> The idea was to be a pure-python implementation (except for pyCrypto,
> which I incorrectly assumed was on track to migrate into python's stdlib).
> But I'm happy to support using only the sftp layer, like bazaar does if
> it finds an ssh executable.
> robey

I thought pycrypto couldn't be included in the stdlib because of crypto
export restrictions.

My understanding of current US Export law is that you can export source
code, but not compiled binaries. (Which is a big load of crock, but still).

Now I realize that python may actually be hosted outside the US, but at
least 'python.org' is registered in Ipswich, MA.

For "support using only the sftp layer" isn't that how we do it, just by
passing in a Transport which is actually a SSHSubprocess?

Are you thinking to bring that logic into paramiko itself?

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