[MERGE] bzr help locationspec

Goffredo Baroncelli kreijack at tiscalinet.it
Wed Jan 17 18:09:00 GMT 2007

On Wednesday 17 January 2007 04:22, Martin Pool wrote:
> On 16 Jan 2007, Goffredo Baroncelli <kreijack at tiscalinet.it> wrote:
> > On Tuesday 16 January 2007 04:44, Alexander Belchenko wrote:
> > [...]
> > > 
> > > How we could collect URL schemes from plugins?
> > > May be something similar to bzr commands?
> > 
> > See a my previous post
> > 
> > https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/bazaar/2006q4/019441.html
> Yes that looks good.  At the moment that fails on my machine because it
> can't load pycurl:
> mbp at hope% ./bzr -Derror help protocols
> bzr: ERROR: bzrlib.errors.DependencyNotPresent: Unable to import 
library "pycurl": No module named pycurl

Sorry, the post with the latest patch was

https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/bazaar/2006q4/019536.html (2/3 post after )

However enclosed a patch in sync with the latest bzr.dev.

The patch handle the case where a transport is without some dependencies 

ghigo at venice:~/bazaar/repo/bzr-help-topics-transport$ ./bzr help transport

Supported transport protocols:
* Transport: <default>, file://
    This is the transport agent for local filesystem access.

* Transport: aftp://, ftp://
    This is the transport agent for ftp:// access.

* Transport: bzr+http://
    Just a way to connect between a bzr+http:// url and http://.

    This connection operates slightly differently than the SmartSSHTransport.
    It uses a plain http:// transport underneath, which defines what remote
    .bzr/smart URL we are connected to. From there, all paths that are sent 
    sent as relative paths, this way, the remote side can properly
    de-reference them, since it is likely doing rewrite rules to translate an
    HTTP path into a local path.

* Transport: bzr+ssh://
    Connection to smart server over SSH.

    This is essentially just a factory to get 'RemoteTransport(url,

* Transport: bzr://
    Connection to smart server over plain tcp.

    This is essentially just a factory to get 'RemoteTransport(url,

* Transport: http+pycurl://, http://, https+pycurl://, https://
    http client transport using pycurl

    PyCurl is a Python binding to the C "curl" multiprotocol client.

    This transport can be significantly faster than the builtin
    Python client.  Advantages include: DNS caching.

* Transport: http+urllib://, http://, https+urllib://, https://
    Python urllib transport for http and https.

* Transport: sftp://
    Transport implementation for SFTP access.

Supported decorators:
* Decorator: chroot+
    A decorator that can convert any transport to be chrooted.

    This is requested via the 'chrooted+' prefix to get_transport().

* Decorator: readonly+
    A decorator that can convert any transport to be readonly.

    This is requested via the 'readonly+' prefix to get_transport().


gpg key@ keyserver.linux.it: Goffredo Baroncelli (ghigo) <kreijack at inwind.it>
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