Bazaar as Subversion replacement

Aaron Bentley at
Tue Jan 16 19:46:11 GMT 2007

Hash: SHA1

Nicholas Allen wrote:
>> The other thing is that not all Windows tools have
>> broken line-ending handling.  
> That's true - but some tools require configuration to work correctly. If
> developers forget to set this up then they make massive changes due to
> incorrect line endings and that messes up merges and diffs.

I guess "requires configuration" is semi-broken.  Good tools will
autodetect the line-ending style when they open the file.

Anyhow, I think we're agreed about the optimal solution.  Problem is, we
need someone who's interested in putting all that work in.

>> The other thing is that even if you're
>> using broken tools, you should be fine if you use CRLF line endings
>> everywhere.
> I don't think this is the case. I used bzr from work to edit a bash
> shell script and then updated on my Linux box. The shell script no
> longer worked because of the line endings.

Okay, point taken.

>> You're making a logical jump that I wouldn't make, that the last person
>> who changed the file is the last person who changed the class.  I can
>> only assume you're using Java, but that's not true in any other language
>> I can think of.
> Why? We use C++ but the implementation of each class is stored in one
> file.

Well, I guess that's a valid approach.  Just not how I use C++.  I group
files by topic, rather than by class.  So it's quite possible that the
most recent change was to a different class.

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