Lack of deprecation period for short option changes

Martin Pool mbp at
Thu Jan 11 05:19:18 GMT 2007

On 11 Jan 2007, Lars Wirzenius <liw at> wrote:
> On to, 2007-01-11 at 12:00 +1100, Martin Pool wrote:
> > As far as I can make out from that page, the maintainer is still Rob
> > Weir, who disappeared from the net some time ago -- that might account
> > for some delays.
> Yeah. Back when I added myself as an Uploader to the bzr package in
> Debian, I decided not to change the Maintainer from Rob until we knew
> what happened to him. I still don't know. On the other hand, I dropped
> out from maintaining the bzr package as well.

His domain expired a while ago.  It would probably be reasonable to
consider it orphaned.

> > How about if Etienne makes the packages, and someone (Wouter? Jeff
> > Bailey?) sponsors their upload into Debian?  Then they should always be
> > at least in experimental within a few days of release.
> Any other Debian Developer could sponsor the upload as well. I'm
> available, if Jeff is busy, for example. I don't have time go get
> involved with the package as a full maintainer, but I can sponsor
> uploads.

OK, can we try that for 0.14rc1 next week?


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