bzr 0.13.0 ImportError: No module named pwd

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Mon Jan 8 13:36:03 GMT 2007

Hash: SHA1

eltronic at пишет:
> this is really more of a python problem,
> after install from source
> from a dos wiindow win9x
>   File "\PYTHON24\lib\site-packages\bzrlib\", line 705, in _auto
> _user_id
>     realname = username = getpass.getuser().decode(bzrlib.user_encoding)
> ***this must be from the registry there is nothing there anymore
>   File "C:\C\PY\PYTHON24\lib\", line 101, in getuser
>     import pwd
> ImportError: No module named pwd
> bzr 0.13.0 on python 2.4.1.candidate.1 (win32)
> arguments: ['f:/c/py/bzr', 'init', '.']
> **
> getuser is broken on win9x if USER or other env variable not set.
> it found my home only because i have set HOME, it may fail there too.
> maybe a note can be made?
> in the docs which suggest creating .bazar
> seems to be more like $HOME/bazar/2.0/ 
> don't feel bad, there are few programs that get this right on windows.
> IPython might be a model

Bad news: actually bzr officially don't supports win98.

Good news: because bzr mostly works on win98 and I personally sometimes
works on old machines with win98 installed, I'm working on improving
support for win98. And I know how to fix this problem.

Apparently I'm late with my changes for 0.14 release because I'm not finish
my patch yet.

> none of the error messages after the point of failure make sense.
> init appears to suceed even though it has no user set
> and of course running init again fails too.
> maybe it should clean up and suggest creating a default conf file.
> and entering an email at least.

Actually when installing bzr from python-based installer it creates
default bazaar.conf, but because of another win98-specific bug,
this configuration file is inaccessible on win98. Mea culpa.

> maybe another option that shows what it knows about its local defaults.
> most of the error scrolled past where I could copy it on a dos window.
> if bzr will ask to send a report. maybe it should create bzrreport.txt
> thanks for the continuing work.

I hope in next 2 weeks bzr will have good support of win98 for most basic things.
Stay in touch.

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