[MERGE] Before actually using encoding need to check that Python has corresponding codec (v.2)

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Tue Jan 2 13:18:02 GMT 2007

Hash: SHA1

Aaron Bentley пишет:
> Aaron Bentley has voted +1 (conditional).
> Status is now: Conditionally approved
> Comment:
> Nice work.  I didn't realize how involved it would be.
> I'm pretty sure you don't need this line:
> #class FakeCodec

Actually, I want to
#/class FakeCodec
(it's my habit to mark end of complex python statements).
I'll remove this.

> Also, I think you want "Windows says "cp0" when there is no encoding)",
> not "Windows tell..."  (The object of "tell" is the person being told.)

Hmm... I don't see such text in my patch.
Similar text was written by John Meinel:

     # Windows returns 'cp0' to indicate there is no code page. So we'll just
     # treat that as ASCII, and not support printing unicode characters to the
     # console.

I think it's correct English.

> And when you override getpreferredencoding, shouldn't you set it back to
> the previous value at the end of the test?

Yes, I did. I copy approach of John Meinel from TestTerminalEncoding
where instead of self.tearDown() method is used self.addCleanup(self._reset).

I should admit that I don't completely understand difference between
.tearDown and ._reset, but I think it's related to problems with
test cleanup when error in test raised.

John, can you explain this moment?

So my cleanup for getpreferredencoding is inside
_reset method:

def _reset(self):
     locale.getpreferredencoding = self._getpreferredencoding
     sys.stderr = self._stderr

Do you satisfied with my explanations?
I don't want to resend the patch because only one thing I'll need to fix
is removing `#class FakeCodec` line.

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