Plugable diffing algorithms?

Nicholas Allen allen at
Thu Dec 14 14:26:38 GMT 2006


This is just more of an idea than anything (and clearly not a near term 
feature) but it would be great if bzr had pluggable and intelligent 
diffing/merging algorithms for various types of files. Currently there 
is only text or binary diffing/merging algorithms but it would be great 
if, for example, there was an XML algorithm too that wasn't simply the 
text diffing algorithm. Instead it would store changes to attributes of 
nodes and their contents. When docbook is stored in bzr it is just 
stored as text but this is not optimal when multiple people work on the 
same file. The text algorithm works pretty well for source code but not 
so well on DocBook for example. As docbook files are often stored along 
with source code it would be great if bzr could diff and merge this 
content in a more intelligent way to avoid conflicts.

Is this something that is being considered and is it something that 
would fit reasonably easily into the existing architecture?


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