windows ftp server problems

ml.bazaar-ng at ml.bazaar-ng at
Tue Dec 12 04:30:08 GMT 2006

On Mon, 11 Dec 2006 21:25:46 -0600, "John Arbash Meinel"

> Actually, that might be part of the problem. We actually try to create
> the file, and if it fails, we then create the directory. So we are
> probably getting an error code that we weren't expecting. What we are
> looking to raise in 'NoSuchFile()' which will let the calling code know
> that it needs to create the directory.
> Can you attach a traceback from ~/.bzr.log, or if you are on windows, it
> is probably C:\Documents and Settings\username\.bzr.log

See attached..

> 'bzr serve' has not been verified to not expose your filesystem, so it
> should be considered unsafe. Also, at the moment it doesn't have any
> sort of authentication.

This setup will be in a secure lab area - no internet access.  Has it at
least been tested to ensure the data doesn't get corrupted?  I'm not too
concerned with authentication - as long as 'bzr whoami' is set, so we
can see who did what.

> There is also bzr+http:// which can be set up through a standard web
> server, and should be able to support pushes. I'll let Andrew Bennetts
> finish up the documentation about how to set it up. But basically you
> can configure apache to use mod_python or fast_cgi to run a small
> interface between http requests and bzr. It looked pretty easy to set up
> in the little bit he has demonstrated so far.

I like the idea, but that's too complicated for us right now.  I just
want something easy - that's why i initially chose FTP - but that seems
to be broken (or maybe the server is broken?).  I hope the log file
helps!  :)

> John
> =:->

  robd at

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