Being part of laundpad team without getting all the bugs in mail.

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Fri Dec 8 14:39:17 GMT 2006

>>>>> "jam" == John Arbash Meinel <john at> writes:

    jam> Erik Bågfors wrote:
    >> Hi
    >> Today Robert asked me why I'm not part of the lp bzr team anymore. The
    >> answer is simply $subject.  I get too many mails... (does this
    >> indicate that bzr has too many bugs? :) )
    >> We asked on #launchpad...
    >> Zindar: is there any way to be part of a team in lp and not get all bugs
    >> in mail
    >> [11:31am] Zindar: ?
    >> [11:31am] lifeless: BjornT: ^
    >> [11:32am] BjornT: Zindar: no. but you might convince your team to set
    >> a contact address to a mailing list or something. if a team has a
    >> contact address, mail will be sent to that one only.
    >> [11:33am] lifeless: propose it on the main list
    >> [11:33am] lifeless: bzr-bugs or something
    >> So, what do you think?
    >> /Erik

I have a dedicated email for lp.

This can be used either for filtering or for reading the
associated mailbox in any way you desire.


P.S.: I wonder how many emails you get proposing various ways to
avoid getting too much emails...

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