Bzr bind feature request

Nicholas Allen allen at
Fri Dec 1 19:42:38 GMT 2006

> This has been discussed in the past. Is there a reason you prefer this
> to just doing 'bzr commit --local' ?
Yes. Because I know when I am online or offline and this may happen for 
reasonably long periods of time. If I am offline for a while I have to 
keep remembering to pass --local to the commit command. It's much easier 
to just tell bzr when I go offline and when I come back online again. 
For example, I know the work server is down for the whole day for 
maintenance so I just run bzr unbind at the start of the day and when 
the server comes online again I run bzr bind. It's an added convenience 
that I do not have to pass the bind location again.



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