question on working w/ branches

Nicholas Allen nick.allen at
Wed Nov 29 21:31:33 GMT 2006

It sounds like you only committed into the local branch on your laptop.
Bzr is distributed so you can commit without network access. You have a
complete copy of the revision history on your laptop and all you did was
to update that local branch. To get your changes into the published
branch you need to do a "bzr push".

The first time you run it you need to tell it where to push to. Bzr will
remember this if you pass the --remember option. So I guess you need to
run a command like:

bzr push --remember sftp://user@host/dir


Jonathan Jesse wrote:
> Hello,
> I am working w/ bzr for the first time so I apologize for a stupid
> question and it may have been covered some other place that i missed
> so i apologize in advance.
> I have started to work on a manual for the KDE application Keep to
> help solve this bug:
> and have created a bzr repository for it located here:
> thru the command bzr init and then
> added a direcotory and also added the new directory to the repository.
> On my laptop which I don't have a public ip address that I can link
> to, I did a bzr branch and checked out the repository.  I created a
> file and added that to the repository thru bzr add and then followed
> it up w/ a bzr commit to commit it up to the main repository.
> However when I look at I don't see the
> file I created.  Am I doing something wrong?
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Jonathan

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