[MERGE] alias to respect spaces in quoted arguments

Marius Kruger amanic at gmail.com
Wed Nov 29 11:11:20 GMT 2006

Ok, here's a better bundle, with tests and all.
Which lets you quote some arguments for aliased commands.

In order to get it tested, I had to add an optional parameter
to the get_alias function in commands.py , which
is hopefully not a problem.

I also renamed test_command.py to test_commands.py
which is the correct name as far as I can tel. I did ask about
it on this mailing list, but didn't get any responses, so I just did it.
("Its easier to say sorry, than ask permission." -- Gerard van Harmelen)


On 11/27/06, Aaron Bentley <aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Marius Kruger wrote:
> > My conclusion was thus that every time config.GlobalConfig ()
> > is called, that the config is read anew. I would like us to
> > store a instance of the GlobalConfig config somewhere,
> > and just load it (lazily) and use the same instance everywhere,
> > so that we don't parse the file a million times.
> I don't think we do parse the file a million times, though.  Certainly,
> if we did, that sort of thing would show up on benchmarks.

:) ok, ok, I don't know how often values will get read from the global
but it looks to me that the file will be parsed every time.
I just went ahead and found another way of solving my problem,
but I still think it might be a good idea to cache the config.

> I was thinking something like :
> > (in bzrlib/config.py)
> >
> > _global_config=None
> >
> > def get_global_config():
> >     if _global_config is not None:
> >         _global_config = config.GlobalConfig()
> >     return _global_config
> When converting a file-backed value into a memory-cached value, you must
> be careful not to change its behavior.  You would need to test that when
> bzr sets a value in the global config:
> 1. that value is written to disk
> 2. that value is immediately available to bzr

I'm not saying store it in some other format, just that we should
re-use the already created and used config-reading object...

It's also worth considering whether we want the in-memory values to
> change when the file is updated externally.  The semantic thus far is
> that they would.  The config directory thus far doesn't support any
> locking, so we can't use that as a hint.
> Also, if you're considering lazy-loading bazaar.conf, the same mechanism
> ought to be used for locations.conf, which is usually queried before
> bazaar.conf.  This suggests that caching the GlobalConfig object is too
> high-level; LocationConfig has a parameterized constructor, so it can't
> be cached effectively.  Instead, it might be preferable to cache the
> ConfigObj returned by IniBasedConfig._get_parser
> >     > I also think it should be possible to set branch specific aliases,
> >     > where the branch specific one over-rides the global one.
> >     > I'll look into supporting this, If thats ok.
> >
> >     This seems error-prone and confusing to me, how do you intend to use
> it?
> >
> >
> > Like you can set branch specific user-email (whoami),
> > I can imagine that you might want to do interesting aliases which
> > might only be appropriate for a specific  branch,
> > for example you might want a  particular branch to
> > output its diff differently, with some funny diff options or something..
> This doesn't sound convincing to me.  My experience with similar systems
> is that they aren't very helpful, because it's easy to forget precisely
> which behaviors are enabled for which locations.  So you tend to specify
> things that may-or-may-not be enabled for the current location, anyhow.
> It's even problematic for the location values like 'pull/merge
> location', 'push location', 'bound location' and 'submit location',
> which is why the dev version of bzrtools includes a 'show-paths' command
> (by Alexander Belchenko) to remind you.
> ConfigObj supports nesting, so per-location aliases are certainly
> possible, but I don't think they're useful.

ok, lets leave it for now, once I  have a use case, I might consider
revisiting this.


coding in python is better than a holiday!
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