[ANNOUNCE] Webserve, new release

Goffredo Baroncelli kreijack at tiscalinet.it
Wed Nov 22 20:38:26 GMT 2006

On Tuesday 21 November 2006 13:53, Goffredo Baroncelli wrote:
> Hi all,
> I announce a new (major) release of webserve: a web interface for bazaar.
> The branch is considered as development branch still, but I hope to release 
> that branch as stable soon.
> The major changes respect the previous (0.12) are:
> - the code was redistributed in several files in order to avoid the old one 
> monolithic file ( the old hgweb.py file was about 1900 lines )
> - it was implemented a self test suite. Until now, 20 tests are implemented
> - the HTML output was re-tested on the w3c sites in order to check the 
> compatibility with the latest standard ( all the pages tested passed the 
> control )
> - a new changelog was implemented, in order to permit a better browsing of 
> history:
>    * the history is displayed from the latest revision, following
>      the leftmost parent. So the merged revisions aren't displayed.
>    * for every revision all parents are displayed. You can browse the log
>      of merged revision, starting from any parent clicking on the [L] link. 
>    * in every page is displayed also the "merge points" (where 
>      exist ) of the displayed revisions
>    * in the revision page, both the parents and the children are displayed
>    * near the revision-id, the dotted revno is displayed also

I updated the format of the changelog page. I added a link for the next pages 
and a link for the previous page.
So for every changelog page where is necessary, in the top of the page you can 
find the following link:
- the revision[1] where the branch was merged
- the previous revision, considering every future branch

 Supposing the following example:

 9  |
 8  |\           -> merge #2
 7  | | 1.1.5
 6  | | 1.1.4
 5  |\| 1.1.3    -> merge #1
 4  | | 1.1.2
 3  | | 1.1.1
 2  | /
 1  |/           -> branch

if you browse from the revision 1.1.2; you see in the changelog page the 
revision 1.1.2, 1.1.1, 1. At the top of the page you see
- as previous page the link for the revision 1.1.5
- as merge point the link for the revision 5

In the bottom of the page, you can find a link for the next page

You can see an example at the following url


[1] I linked only the first merge. 

gpg key@ keyserver.linux.it: Goffredo Baroncelli (ghigo) <kreijack at inwind.it>
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