Interrupting pull with ctrl-C left stale locks that cannot be removed - even with bzr break-lock

Nicholas Allen allen at
Fri Nov 3 10:55:43 GMT 2006

Interestingly enough, if I respond to the "invisible prompt" that bzr is 
displaying by pressing y or n 3 times then all the prompts are 
displayed. So it is a bug in when the characters are flushed to the 
terminal and not some weird thing where the characters are typed but 
invisible due to a terminal setting. So I would imagine explicitly 
printing it first would work...

> print 'foo'
> response = raw_input()
> Rather than
> response = raw_input('foo')
> Though we need to test if we get any input back.
> The confusion is that psql and python always use direct terminal I/O for
> interaction, so I knew that they didn't work.
> John
> =:->

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