[PATCH] stripping trailing slashes from ignore patterns (#4559)

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Tue Oct 31 16:55:01 GMT 2006

Kent Gibson wrote:
> This is my latest patch which incorporates Cheuksan Edward Wang's 
> ignore_multiple_5.patch and my #4559 changes including review comments
> from Aaron Bentley.
> My previous bundles were borked (thanks to Aaron for pointing this out)
> but this one should merge into bzr.dev.
> My changes have gotten a +1 from Aaron so could one of the other cores
> give them the once over?
> Cheers,
> Kent.

I saw that Aaron reviewed your changes, but I didn't see an actual +1

The changes look good to me, though. The only thing that doesn't seem to
be tested is if you already have a rule with a trailing '/' in
.bzrignore, it should still match files that patch the prefix.

  $ bzr init
  $ echo "foo/" >> .bzrignore
  $ touch foo
  $ bzr ignored
  foo    foo/

I realize that people might be a little confused by that one, because we
are ignoring the trailing slash.

Maybe it would be better to issue a warning if .bzrignore has a trailing
slash in it, and then ignore it, rather than have people thinking it
will only ignore a directory, or something like that.

So, short-term, I still think the patch is worthy to be merged.
Long-term it would be nice if we refined things a little bit more.


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