Bazaar NG performance on large repositories

Nicholas Allen allen at
Mon Oct 30 18:02:04 GMT 2006

>> bzr log some-file
>> This command took a very long time. In fact, I gave up waiting for it to
>> complete. No output was seen on the terminal at all - even after 5
>> minutes. I think in its current state this would be completely unusable
>> for us. I hope that bzr will see some performance improvements here.
> log some-file reads the inventory of each commit, so it scales with tree
> size.  That's a limit of the current implementation, though.  We can
> look at each file to see what revisions modified it, though I'm not sure
> whether that will detect all kinds of changes.
Is that something that is hard to change? Would it not be possible to 
have a file somewhere (in .bzr) for each file under version control that 
lists the revisions that modified it? These files could be calculated 
once after an initial pull and then updated on each commit. Then a log 
for a single command would be very fast. The files could be updated the 
first time a log on a single file is done or always after pulling (but 
this would increase the pull time of course).
>> bzr diff
>> Took about 30 seconds to complete. It claimed all files had
>> modifications "(properties changed)" but there were no code changes
>> except the file I modified. What could these property changes be? Is
>> this a possible bug?
> That would be the execute bit.
Why does it claim that the executable bit changed for files when I 
didn't change this?



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