Cherry picking support in Bazaar

Nicholas Allen allen at
Mon Oct 30 15:02:47 GMT 2006

> It does reasonably well.  The typical use is 
>   bzr merge -r 123..125 ../some-other-branch
> this will merge text changes and tree shape changes intelligently.
> There are some limitations at present:
>  - the cherrypick merge does not appear in the log (unless you write it
>    in as plain text)
>  - bzr missing won't see the revision as merged
>  - in some cases the cherrypick will conflict with a later merge from
>    that branch, and you will need to confirm that you want it
I presume these limitations only apply if you merge a range that does 
not start from the last merged revision from that branch. So if I use 
merge -r XXX to merge upto a given revision from the last merged 
revision (or I specify a range that starts at the last merged revision) 
these limitations do not apply - am I correct with this understanding?

 Are there plans to address these issues or is this a problem that is 
difficult to solve given the design of Bazaar - note I'm not criticizing 
its design as I basically no nothing about it! I'm just curious if this 
is something that is very hard to solve without a large rewrite and 
therefore not something that is likely to be seen in bzr anytime soon.

Anyway, I have to say bzr is the best RCS I have ever used! You guys are 
doing a great job ;-)

Nicholas Allen

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