Cherry picking support in Bazaar

Martin Pool mbp at
Mon Oct 30 12:57:28 GMT 2006

On 30 Oct 2006, Nicholas Allen <allen at> wrote:
> Hi,
> Bazaar seems to have really great merging capabilities and I was 
> wondering how good it is at cherry picking individual revisions to merge 
> from one branch to another. Has anyone used bzr to perform cherry 
> picking? If so could they comment on how effective it was?

It does reasonably well.  The typical use is 

  bzr merge -r 123..125 ../some-other-branch

this will merge text changes and tree shape changes intelligently.

There are some limitations at present:

 - the cherrypick merge does not appear in the log (unless you write it
   in as plain text)

 - bzr missing won't see the revision as merged

 - in some cases the cherrypick will conflict with a later merge from
   that branch, and you will need to confirm that you want it


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