[PING] [PATCH] show full name of plugin in help

Martin Pool mbp at canonical.com
Thu Oct 19 04:12:49 BST 2006

On 18 Oct 2006, Aaron Bentley <aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca> wrote:
> Alexander Belchenko wrote:
> > I'd like to know status of my patch. Is it rejected or forgotten? Or
> > delayed for 0.13? Or?..
> > 
> > I understand that my changes is minor and intended only for versioned
> > plugins (e.g. bzrtools-0.11/0.12, bzr-gtk-0.11/0.12). But anyway it
> > could be useful.
> IMHO, plugins should not have periods in their directory names.
> Bzrtools assumes its package name is "bzrlib.plugins.bzrtools".
> Similarly, bzr-gtk assumes its package name is "bzrlib.plugins.gtk"

I agree with Aaron - I'd like to have plugins have proper Python package
names (without dash or dot.)  It makes them more consistent, and easier
to have plugins find each other.

Obviously you can do this now but many people will have them installed
in non-complying names.  To get there we would need to 

 - agree it's reasonable not to have version numbers in the directory
   name (or at least to write it as bzr_foo_0_123)

 - start giving a warning asking people to rename them
   (or perhaps we should say "is it OK for me to rename it? y/n")

 - tell plugin authors to change what is shipped to just have the bare
   name, and to make their branch name not have dots or dashes


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