lock on checkout inside repository

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Fri Oct 6 05:34:14 BST 2006

Hash: SHA1

William Dode wrote:
> Hi,
> When i make a checkout inside the same repository, i cannot commit (on 
> current bzr.dev) :
> wilk at domino:/tmp$ bzr init-repo --tree repo
> wilk at domino:/tmp$ bzr init repo/main
> wilk at domino:/tmp$ bzr checkout repo/main repo/bug
> wilk at domino:/tmp$ cd repo/bug
> wilk at domino:/tmp/repo/bug$ touch a
> wilk at domino:/tmp/repo/bug$ bzr add a
> added a
> wilk at domino:/tmp/repo/bug$ bzr commit -m "a"
> Unable to obtain lock file:///tmp/repo/.bzr/repository/lock
> held by wilk at flibuste.net on host domino [process #20945]
> locked 0 seconds ago
> Will continue to try until 12:59:52
> There is no problem when i checkout outside the repo.

So the specific problem is that when you create a checkout it is binding
the checkout to the master branch, such that committing in one, actually
commits to the other one.

And if they are sharing a repository, that causes problems because both
of them want to grab a write lock.

I can see this as a bug, but also have to wonder why you are doing it.
It would seem that if you are creating a 'repo/main' => 'repo/bug' you
really want 'bzr branch' not 'bzr checkout'.

Can you explain what you are trying to do?


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